Multisensor Detector
The NATIONAL TIME Addressable Analog Multisensor model
D900-MSENSOR detector utilizes the powerful DigiComm™ communication protocol which enables reliable
and accurate information to be exchanged between the detector and the Fire Alarm Control Panel. The
Multisensor Detector combines optical smoke and thermistor temperature sensors whose outputs are
combined based on the detector mode selection. The D900-MSENSOR can operate in one of five response
modes. Each mode corresponds to a unique fire response behavior. The multisensor detectors set to
mode 1 will be most suitable for environments in which sources of unwanted alarms are rare, for
example clean rooms and computer suites. At the other extreme, response mode 5 will be suited to
more dusty or smoky environments such as loading areas where diesel forklift trucks are operating.
Response mode 3 is a general-purpose setting for which the response is similar to that of the
corresponding D900-PHOTO detector. The D900-MSENSOR has a distributed intelligence system where
decisions are made in the detector head as well as at the FACP. Drift compensation is incorporated
into the detector, allowing it to adapt to dirty or dusty environments, reducing false alarms. The
detectors feature programmable status LED indicator. The detector’s address is set in its base
providing a convenient and trouble free maintenance procedure. The detectors mount to a selection of
base styles to accommodate installation requirements.